Please see depiction.
I cannot answer your question without knowing the density of the substance involved because I would be converting between dimensionally inconsistent units.
The least amount of energy so ionic bonds are very easy to break.
In either organic chemistry or inorganic chemistry you separate by boiling points, in this case you would boil the water to evaporate the water leaving NaCl.
The three states of matter are liquid, solid and gas. The most dense molecular state is definitely a solid which is characterized by fixed volume and density. Solids appear as they do as result of a strong lattice energy with the molecules held tightly in place in the lattice.
I would use rubber bands to illustrate energy levels, pennies to represent the orbiting electrons, and then red and blue marbles for the protons in red and neutrons in blue consistent with the image of oxygen attached.
Bleach is NaCLO, this is sodium hypochlorite. Bleach will set up a redox reaction much faster than water produce an oxide faster than water.
Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of living systems, biochemistry would study for instance Krebs cycle. Krebs cycle is the cycle that allows humans to breathe.
H2O is polar because of the electronegativity difference between Hydrogen and oxygen. CO2 is non-polar becaue there is no significant difference in electronegativities between Carbon and oxygen.
Rusting involves a chemical reaction referred to as a redox reaction, this means that oxygen atoms trade places with metal ions and an oxide is produced.
The aromatics are a group of compounds that exhibit odor, this is one reason roses have a scent. The aromatics happen to have single and double covalent bonds.
Any metal is capable of reacting with acid rain. The usual type of acid rain is sulfuric acid H2SO4 which is a by product of SO2 + H2O, SO2 is a by product of industrial waste and combines readily with water to produce acid rain.
No an atom is the smallest atomic structure. A molecule is comprised of atoms.
There are an estimated 75-100 trillion cells in the human body.
The endocrine system is a system of small organs that involve the release of extracellular signaling molecules known as hormones. The organs are the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, thyroid and thymus, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovary and testis.
Molecular biology is completely dependant on the methods of electrophoresis, this method separates DNA fragments by their respective size.
Light microscopes use light with a series of lenses to view specimens with a resolving power of up to 4,000 times whereas an electron microscope will enable the user to view specimens in greater detail at very nearly the size of the atom.
Electron microscopes are used by at least a Ph.D. In research.
The heart pushes blood anywhere blood is transported in the body this includes arteries and veins.
Membrane bound organelle's such as mitochondria, chloroplast's, golgi-apparatus, or any other membrane bound organelle.
Chloroplast's are the organelle in which photosynthesis takes place. Photosynthesis is the chemical process in which sugar is made using water and the sun's energy.