That I am a girl. They know I am, but they don't treat me like one.
Yes sure you can but not to often or the dog will be sick.
Well after I found out what my dog had I ran to take him to the vets
Sure I remember it, ok bye wait no I don't remember
I don't know really I would say that thay where cursed
Yes it would be fine just not the other way round!
Really you should buy some different kinds of food for him/her and if him/her won't eat it then they don't like it.
I'm sure they have 4~8 pups

You can't see it if it's private ok.
Homeless shelter and your a hobo

Maybe because it has a fear of something or you should spend more time stoking it.
I know because my brother is the same but when he hurts or something I ignore him or go and I do almost the same to him but if you get angry hold it in.