answered question
A good test to see of a microwave is safe is to put your cell phone in it(not plugged in) close the door and ring the phone. It should not ring as it acts as a faraday cage. Do not turn on the microwave.
answered question
Do you mean eat the same rubbish as before or eat the things that you could only eat when you had the pains? If you return to eating cream cakes and chips and MUCK Donalds etc then you will risk your health and put on weight. Your liver now has to work much harder as … Read more
answered question
In my classroom we have a whole list of what physics is but my favourite has to be Physics = PHun. Lol
It really depends on what country you are in. In UK you can't really work in shops until 16 or 18. You could babysit , bit that is getting increasingly risky too.
answered question
It really depends on your age and whether you have any dependents. It is important that you are confident and solvent. It seems that you are not too confident at the moment or you wouldn't be asking us for advice, you'd be gone. Is it possible to defer this opportunity for a while until you … Read more