I would recommend inspecting the site very closely to be sure it is not an abscess. If there are any signs of a partly healed bite or scratch, you could use a warm compress to help it come to a head and start draining. If there are any scabs the compress will make them easier … Read more
It sounds like your dog may have an abscess, I would recommend cleaning it with peroxide and using a warm wet compress to help the puss to drain and keep the wound open. Take your dog to the vet if you can but if not at least try to get some antibiotics like clindacure (available … Read more
I have had to bottle feed several kittens and will offer the following advice:
*Do not lay them on their backs to feed, though it my seem to work, they can get milk in their lungs and develop a respratory infection.
*try putting them on your chest or in the crook of your arm and … Read more