May need to replace thermocouple if holding down for a minuet and releasing.If by chance its a whirl pool water heater.Let me know and I'll tell you what to do
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Is it a moen?If it is or upload a pic I can probably tell tell you what kind it is if its a name brand.You may be able to fix without changing water lines
Just to add to previous answer,might also get a sponge and remove all water in the bowl and get a gallon of muratic acid and pour down overflow tube in tank to clean out rim in case limed up.If when flushing,bowl water rises and swirls,sluggish goin down,tiolet trap may have build up in it.May want … Read more
If its over 5 years,it's probably the ignition control.Should be a square box with some wires attatched to it,1 maybe 2 screws holding it on.Easy to long as you keep track of where each wire goes.Rheem has a ok Q&A line to call,just got to get a person on the line.May need to get … Read more
Might see the obvios,see if water going over overflow.If it's a fill valve with a ball on the end,they tend to do that making a humming sound.Change with a fluidmaster.Might put some food coloring in tank and see if flapper is leaking any water not letting it shut off.
May have a bad thermostat.Kinda rare,but does happen.Might turn thermostat on and off and see if there is a poof when burner kicks off.Is this a older heater or a newer model that has a enclosed burner?If this a whirlpool water heater,will explain a lot,hope I helped
May have a bad thermostat.Kinda rare,but does happen.Might turn thermostat on and off and see if there is a poof when burner kicks off.Is this a older heater or a newer model that has a enclosed burner?If this a whirlpool water heater,will explain a lot,hope I helped