No. The fluid you see, semen, could have lots of sperm in it, few, or none. The sperm could be healthy or unhealthy. Doctors can do various tests to determine sperm count (how many there are) and sperm motility (how much they're moving, which is a good sign of health).
answered question
It can happen; it's happened to me. But if the period is not a normal period for you, and especially if it was shorter and/or lighter than you usually have, and if you've been sexually active, it could be implantation bleeding (which happens when a fertilized egg implants, or attaches itself to the lining of … Read more
I don't think you can, unless that person is willing to join Facebook. Presumably the photos are on your computer -- you could send them in email if they're not too big for you to send or the other person to receive as attachments. Or you could upload them to a free site like Flickr … Read more
Your estimated due date (EDD) is 40 weeks after the first day of your last period. On average, women's cycles last 28 days, and they ovulate about 14 days before their period starts. Conception occurs within a day or so of ovulation. So if you're average in all these ways, then you probably conceived about … Read more
Safe for what? Do you mean, safe to have sex and not get pregnant? That depends on several things. The average woman ovulates on day 14 of her cycle, where day 1 is the first day of her period (not the last). The average woman is at least somewhat fertile for about four days before … Read more
Fortified just means that something has been added to the food, usually because it's supposed to be good for you. It's true this is often done when the processing of the food has removed naturally present nutrients. And sometimes it's done to give a sense of security that you're getting your "12 vitamins and iron" … Read more
Cats don't sweat like humans, and one of the ways they get rid of excess heat is through their ears -- they have lots of blood vessels, and when their overly warm blood goes through those, it can lose heat to the air. So probably the cat is warm and just needing to cool off. … Read more
answered question
If your period is late by at least a few days, you can find out whether you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. If it's negative, but your period doesn't come for two weeks, do another test. And take good care of yourself.
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Any physical object has both mass and inertia. Inertia is the property of maintaining a state of movement -- that is, if an object is at rest, it tends to stay at rest unless acted on by outside forces; and if it is in motion, it tends to remain in motion. Greater masses have greater … Read more
There are at least three kinds of things that could cause a lump in your breast. (You said in your nipple -- I'm answering as if you mean in your breast in the nipple area. I hope that's helpful, but if not, maybe someone else has an answer.)

1. A fibrous cyst. This is … Read more
Prevention means keeping something from happening. For example, if you eat a healthy diet, you can prevent heart disease, diabetes, and cancer from developing. If you look both ways before crossing the street, you can prevent getting hit by a car.
answered question
You didn't say what kind of phone you have. I'll tell you how it worked on my last two Nokia phones -- if you have a different kind, this might still get you close. Push the "menu" button (or the button right next to the word "menu" on the phone's screen). Use your directional keys … Read more
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From what I understand (two kids now), the day you ovulate is right about at the end of your fertile window for the cycle. So I'd go for it every day if that's where you are. But truthfully, having tried basal temperature, ovulation test strips, OV-watch, mucus checking, and more, what finally worked for me … Read more