Bobbi answered question
Yes. Your cat sounds like he has a URI (Upper Respiratory tract Infection). The best you can do is take him to the vet to get the right medication. Another thing you can do is get a supplement called L-Lysine. Do a search online for "L-Lysine for cats with URI" and you can find some … Read more
Bobbi answered question
Lynn is right. It could definitely be a foreign object of some kind. It could also be a really severe URI (upper respiratory tract infection). Either way, your kitty needs to be seen by a vet as soon as possible. Please do not wait any longer. Sending good vibes that he/she is better soon! If … Read more
Bobbi answered question
GodsRoxy, please don't let the rude comment hurt you. I can understand your situation completely. My suggestion, to start with, is to give him ONLY canned food, and mix in extra water. (*note: Transition him over the course of a week or so, by adding the new food to his old food, slowly removing all … Read more
Bobbi answered question
This is not necessarily mucus. Now, I know this sounds gross, but if this happens again, take note of the smell of it. ( I know, I know... Lol) If it has a sort of sour smell to it, chances are that your kitty is just releasing the contents of her anal sacs. This is … Read more
Bobbi answered question
The "third lid" is usually a sign of a health problem. Are his/her eyes droopy, excreting discharge? This can be a sign of an allergy, an upper respiratory infection, dehydration, etc. I would get kitty to the vets as soon as possible, and hopefully if it was caught soon enough, some medication, either ointment for … Read more