LD answered question
  There are far too many interpretations of educated that could be applied here. There is the only true method in my opinion of trial by fire, there is the person that has some experience then decided to learn in the new way, then there are the fools who are parted from their parents money … Read more
LD answered question
   First I have to speak on this theory of owning someone. That will never happen. Though it may be possible for you to twist him around your little finger you will never own him. My best suggestion to you would be to learn all you can about him and cater to his needs, wants, … Read more
LD answered question
  This means only that you and/or your marriage have serious issues. Dreams are made of random events throughout the day whether real of perceived. It sounds like you are very jealous or he is really giving you cause to be pissed about this matter. I couldn't say which but suggest you figure it out.
LD answered question
  I have to follow amel's lead here excpet for the wives tale thng. I've never heard that before so I don't know. A dog can only be as smart as the person who spends time with it.
LD answered question
  Extensions and universal joints! And you should hope that you have the fully threaded ones in there. Do not use the plugs that are only partially threaded since the allow debris to accumulate in the threads above and can make them next to impossible to get back out! Trust me when I say I … Read more
LD answered question
     Your fears far outweigh the actual problem. Although if you are allergic to them then you are justified in this fear. I have been stung many times and the though it does hurt some it is nothing to cry about. The heat and itch are worse than the pain. And the wasp dies when … Read more
LD answered question
     I've seen a few of these and if you check out the fine print you will see that you have to actually pay for a few of their trial offers before they are obligated to their part. I don't know anyone who has ever actually seen that so-called freebie. Aside from the emails you … Read more
LD answered question
  It sounds like you're a bit obsessed with this normal thing. There is no way that you can accurately measure a flaccid penis. That's just like the weather, if you don't like it just wait five minutes cause it's most likely going to change. You decide normal by looking at what you have and … Read more
LD answered
   They aren't about to treat their fellow elitists like a common man. In my opinion mr. Nifong should have spent a year in the county jail for the contempt of court then have all possessions auctioned off to pay those families back then should have been sent to death row for what he tried … Read more
LD answered question
    I'm always hearing how cops, judges, lawmakers and all these other elitists about how they live up to a higher standard than John Q Public. Let's hold them twice as accountable for their crimes. They tell John Q that ignorance of the law is no excuse so in my mind that says that they … Read more