Three days...drink lots of water. Lots. That crap stays in you spinal fluid forever! It is more dangerous than what your friends that do it will tell you because they probably do not know themselves. Not lecturing, well not meaning to. Just be careful...
You ought to be able to go to Pioneers site and get it. The should have a download section just for your situation. If you find that your deck is too old for their database then just request the one that you need via their tech help/question box and they'll send it to your email.
He is called a "Garter Snake"...and is extremely harmless. Fully grown he becomes black and his yellow stripes become white. He is often nick-named a "water" or "garden" snake. He wont hurt you I am sure.
Well, you mentioned that you checked the wires...1) under your hood, near your battery there is supposed to be a fuse. If there is no indicator lights on the amp when the key is turned on then check that fuse first. If there is power past the fuse then you can skip that 2) If … Read more