I can suggest you to go for Internet marketing like Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Optimization or you can also try to some paid techniques like PPC. These techniques can be helpful to increase the visibility of the website in the search engine.
Designing a good website mean that site should be search engine and user friendly, here I am presenting you some significant topics about good website Design, are mentioned below:
*Make Navigation Easy
*Manage to focus users’ attention
*Make use of effective writing
*Always choose the shorter route
*Search Engine Friendly
*Internal Linking Isn't User-Friendly
*Avoid flash (search engines can't read it)
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*Make Navigation Easy
*Manage to focus users’ attention
*Make use of effective writing
*Always choose the shorter route
*Search Engine Friendly
*Internal Linking Isn't User-Friendly
*Avoid flash (search engines can't read it)
If you … Read more