Well Active transport is actually when the cell membrane and the proteins  have to move to the (any thing)  into the cell. It usually takes place to larger molecules and subtances. It uses energy.

Wheras, Passive transport is when the molecule has to go through itself. Just like osmosis and diffusion.
There are a few tips which will defintely help you a lot.

1- Drink lots of water and juices.
2- Pomegranate juice is the best to have fair complexion.
3- Mix a tablespoon of honey with a few drops of lemon juice, this way you'll have a glowing beautiful skin.
4- Take at least 3 tablespoons of fresh milk … Read more
answered question
    For Birds:   1) Cover your plants with a fine mesh or netting.    2) Prune your trees so that they don't offer much shelter or nesting places         3) Scare them away with a scarecrow or plastic snakes & owls    4) Keep a full bird feeder away from the garden     … Read more
answered question
Diarrhea is officially defined as an increase in the volume and/or fluidity of feces or an increase in the frequency of defecation. Dietary management often forms a major part of the diagnosis and treatment of cases. Other than surgical treatments for problems such as obstructions, a number of medical treatments may also be used. These … Read more
At a time when great cities lay in ruins and national economies were devastated, Marshall called on America to "do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace."  But the Marshall Plan, as … Read more
answered question
Internet is the best place if we want to buy cheap products, There are loads of websites which can help you a lot. Just a five minute search would be enough for you to find what ever you are looking for. Well I have a few websites which might be helpful for you. I hope … Read more
answered question
There are a lot of meanings for this abbreviation even in tyre fitting term like F.O.C stands for: 1-Full Operational Capability. 2-Free Of Charge. 3-Factory Outlet Center. 4-Fiber Optic Components. 5-Ferrari Owners Club.    Well for more information I would like you to view this website, I'm sure it will help you a lot:

answered question
Well we can say YES, sparkling wine and Champagne are both the same. France actually uses the term "CHAMPAGNE" for sparkling wine which is produced in Champagne region of France. You might read the term "Methode Champenoise" which actually means that they are made from the same method but out of the region. See, in Italy people … Read more
Typhoons are also known as tropical cyclones. A tropical cyclone is a storm system characterized by a low pressure center and numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds and flooding rain. Causes of a Typhoon are :   1) Warm Waters 2) Moisture 3) Inward spiraling winds   Developing typhoons gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters plus … Read more
Line organisation refers to the organisational structure of activities contributing directly to the organisation's output. In line organisation authority moves down in a line from chief executive; typically there are no specialists or advisers, the chief executive having complete authority over decision making.
Mitosis is the scientific term for nuclear cell division where the nucleus of the cell divides, resulting in two sets of identical chromosomes. There are 4 phases of mitosis:1) prophase,2)metaphase,3)anaphase and 4)telophase. Meiosis takes its name from the Greek work meioun, which is translated to mean to make something smaller. Meiosis is the means by … Read more
answered question
Momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. Linear momentum of a particle is frame dependant. The same object may have a certain amount of momentum in one frame of reference, but a different amount in another reference. Kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy which it possesses due to its motion. … Read more
answered question
Quadrangle is a plane figure consisting of four points, each of which is joined to two other points by a line segment; the line segments may intersect. Quadrangles can be concave or convex. If it is convex in shape it is called a quadrilateral.
Dramatic means 1) pretaining to or characteristic of drama  2) striking or sensational  and 3) theaterical. Its antonyms are unspectacular and unimpressive.
answered question
I can just help you out and will tell you how to do it.

1-First take an example.

2-Divide the irregular pentagon in right triangles and rectangles.

3- Then find the area of each triangles and rectangle.

The are of the irregular pentagon will be the total sum of the area of all the triangles and rectangles.

Now … Read more
answered question
Chest hurting caused by heart burn is escorted by a burning sensation. If you experience this chest burn more than twice a week or more than that then it is high time that you consult a doctor. It may be possible that what ever you think is a chest burn mayRead more