Really all depends on where you are. In Seattle you can get a good gram for 60$ a T (1.7 grams) 100$ then a ball and so on and so forth, but from what I know and the answers I have read on here anywhere from 60 to 100 depending on where in the US … Read more
Yep a gram should read 1.0
Being a nurse and performing drug screens for years I can assure you, ambien is a benzo, and most tests will give a positive reading under benzos if you have had ambien within about 5 days. I see it ALL the time.
As with an 12 step program, the "anonymous" in the name refers more to who and what you see and talk about within the meeting itself.
No matter what kind of meeting you go to, you will never be forced to speak if you don't want to. However, if you do want to share something, … Read more