If you've recently given her something new... Or something soft to snuggle against or anything that she can conceive of in any way as nesting material, that is what usually brings it on... But for health purposes it should be discouraged, so if you can figure out what's triggering the nesting response you should remove it... Or remove … Read more
answered question
My problem is, I'm not sure what is meant by "vulva infection", it's awfully vague???  I'm going to assume, given that the vet didn't prescribe antibiotics that what she has is a condition called vulvar fold dermatitis it is a problem most often seen in older, or overweight dogs, and labs seem to be the … Read more
answered question
It's very normal... At around 21 days, many b*tches develop "morning sickness", and will go off food and even vomit occasionally.  Try offering warmed broth or warm broth and rice porridge... Sometimes that will tempt their appetite, but if not don't worry to much, it will pass in about a week or less... Just make … Read more
answered question
Not drinking out of the same water dish.. And I don't know about the toys... But just spending time in the same environment puts your dog at risk.  Most worms in dogs are contracted from the soil and through other infected dogs (eggs are shed in the feces)... They are transmitted fairly easily between dogs and, sometimes … Read more
answered question
The easiest way is to dilute your water with distilled water which has a neutral pH... And I know food grade citric acid is sometimes used in organic gardening to lower pH... So I assume you could lower it by simply adding a little lemon or lime juice, but I don't know how you would determine how … Read more
answered question
The problem with this question is... A cup measure is a measure of volume, but a gram is a measure of weight.  It's like asking how many pounds in a gallon... You're using two entirely different forms of measurement, one of weight, the other of volume... So unless we know what substance you're needing to convert, we can't … Read more
answered question
It's always so difficult to answer these snake identification questions, because people perceptions, interpretations, and descriptions, can be so varied... I'm attaching a pic. Of my best guess, a common Garter Snake... But if that's not it... Try going through the "quick id" on this page... www.oplin.orgRead more
answered question
You didn't mention how big the spots are... But given that you did mention humidity, I'm going to guess it's a heat rash... Or irritation from the area being damp for a prolonged period of time.  wash and dry the area well, and rub in a little hydrocortisone cream a couple of times a day... … Read more