Many people have deja vu. It can be scary in our science driven culture where we are taught to be skeptical about supernatural experiences. They usually come in dreams then later the dream is played out in real life. There is nothing wrong with you. Relax and enjoy the fact you have a gift that … Read more
Are you kidding me? This is just slightly offensive. I'm sure not ALL black people like those foods. It may be more prevalent in black culture like burritos in hispanic culture and sushi in Japanese culture. Nuff said.
CDC recommends the third shot to be 6 months after the second.
Oxygen 21%, Nitrogen 78%, 1% other gases.
Go to the CDC link Below. Mortality is 6.9 per 100,000 cases.
I believe all mules are sterile. It's probably not possible
It could also be plantar fasciaitis. Try ice, rest and anti-inflammatories. Stretch the facia by rolling a tennis ball back and forth on the arch of your foot. Good shoes are imperative. See your doctor if this does not work.
Sinus drainage can be allergy, bacterial sinusitis and even gastric reflux. Try OTC Loratidine or benedryl (stronger), If it does not clear up then it is not allergy and requires a trip to the doctor for diagnosis.
This is called peri-umbilical pain. With out an exam and detailed history diagnosis is difficult. In that general area is mostly small intestine. I'd see your doctor.