Barefoot, all the way. It doesn't matter if the sand is hot, then I just run to the water. I take my shoes off as soon as I see the sand. Sandy feet are one of my favorite things.
I am still learning that everything is not my fault and that I can't fix everything. I have a guilt complex it causes much undue anxiety. I worry about everything, so much so sometimes that I can't sleep and it effects my days, sometimes I feel like I am overcoming it, others I feel like … Read more
I get heart palpitations often. I have a mitral valve prolapse, basically a valve that is lazy and stretchy in my heart, sometimes that causes my palpitations. Sometimes it is the unholy amount of caffeine I tend to consume in the varies teas and coffees I brew throughout the day, it can also be from a … Read more
Oops, I didn't load the picture right.. Here you go... Aww, it deleted my whole answer... Ok, here I go again... I recommend getting the bleaching part done at a salon, but if you want to do it yourself go to a real beauty supply (with a salon attached) not sally's and buy some bleach, … Read more
There are no small parts, as in each character written has a purpose and you must play said character accordingly. Your part is only as important as you make it. A "small" actor may see their bit part as insulting, where a good actor would take the opportunity to play the part to best of … Read more
As much as I would like to be thought of as attractive, what I really pride myself on is my intellect. I figure any looks I have at this point are only going to diminish and if someone loves me they understand that and will be attracted to the core of my being opposed to … Read more
It sounds as if your dog has ringworm, is the fur falling out the spots where there are rings? Here is a site where you can look at pictures and read about treatments for it, I wouldn't worry too much but it can spread to humans aso I would clean yourself and disinfect the areas the … Read more
Encephalomalacia is softening of the brain tissue. It causes all kinds of weird behaviours, sleep walking head pressing dizziness and spinning in circles, all depending on where in your brain the tissue is getting soft. It is caused by hemorrhaging and swelling (inflammation)
Have you thought about a backsplash that matches the kitchen floor? And then maybe blue walls? It is hard to give advice when I can't see the colors there are so many shades of grey.. (I crack myself up sometimes) If you stick with neutral or earthy tones chances are they will complement each other. … Read more
Stye definition and care
It is probably a stye, they have medication at the grocery store for them, next to the contact lense solution (noticed it yesterday).
I have never had one but have seen them and I think it's probably safer to go ahead and treat it
The roman army trained their men to be warriors from the time they were children. They lacked the inhibitions of their enemy soldiers, their training was far better and their leaders were well versed. They had endurance and self control under duress. They were a force to be reckoned with. They had weapons that worked, … Read more
I am a bisexual woman, I have attractions that have been both male and female, I believe I have always had these feelings. I think with some people it is a social choice, but with the majority I believe it is a genetic disposition. I have a cousin who is a homosexual man and the … Read more
Hearing means that your ears are working, listening is putting attention into what is being said. Actually thinking about what you are "hearing."
When you are arguing (sp?) it is important to listen to what is being said so that you can retort and learn what is being said by the other person. To come … Read more
I am currently running a small general contracting business, my near-future goals are to build up a successful clientele referral base so that work is constant and I can hire a few extra hands. I am learning how to account for our business so I plan to take some classes in small business and accounting. … Read more
Yes, you should be careful what you eat while nursing, anything that you consume, or inject or inhale will affect your milk. It is best to eat a varied and healthy diet. As for the spicy food thing, my daughter didn't seem to mind if I ate spicy food, although she is nearing four now … Read more
You can take Interstate 10 from New Orleans all the way to Houston, the drive time should take five or six hours and it's about three hundred fifty miles. :)
This was my favorite, I have no idea how they made it. I would overfill a round cake pan and us e that as the top and then use a smaller pan for the base. Then frost with a base color and then spots. 

I agree, has to be corn. Or maybe ribs? I think corn is a better answer though.
There are far more advantages than disadvantages, more and more zoos are now non-profit organizations based on conservation of the animals they harbor and they breed and raise endangered animals as well as educate the public on what they can do to help. A lot of zoos even take injured animals and nurse them bak … Read more