answered question
The contemporary practices of Buddhism are truly reflective of the foundations of the religion. They signify what the basics of the religion entail. Some of these practices are: Theravada Practices like Prostrations to the Triple Gem, Taking the Five Percepts, Uposatha, Practicing the Right Percepts, Studying Buddhist Scriptures, Visiting and supporting Buddhist Monks are allRead more
Algae classified into following types: 1)Euglenoids (phylum euglenophyta) 2)Red Algae ( phylum rhodophyta) 3)diatoms  (phylum  chrysophyta) 4) dinoflagellates (phylum phyrrophyta) 5) brown algae  (phylum phaenophyta) 6) green algae  (phylum chlorophyta)
answered question
Yes rocks are mixture of different elements and compound. It may made up of clay slit contain sand particle and some other elements depending upon environment and location.