You could also try going a little further each time. Running machines help to build your stamina. You can run on one in front of the tv or try listening to music, quite often you can go a lot further than before without realising it. Eventually you can build to running a few more miles … Read more
You couldn't do this without going through the courts where I live. So I would contact an attorney and they will raise the relevant documents to go to court. I would have everything covered though. Like can they leave the country with the child. I.e., go on holiday. Length of time child stays, visiting rights. … Read more
A country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator. Or someone that is using overbearing power or control over another person.
I have the same and I now manage to do sit ups. But check with your dr because mine was straight forward. Drinking plenty of water may help but I don't believe you can get rid of it completely. Check your diet also, some foods make it worse. As for your arms, hold your hands … Read more
In the meantime dab with cooled boiled water and salt, don't put the salt directly on it ouch! Dissolve in the boiled water. I was always told to use savalon. But if it doesn't clear up, go back to the dr in case they used a dirty needle.
If you are asking as in a general questions, I can only speculate as I am not a DR. But if you are asking because you actively take ecstasy, read up on what it does to you. The risks you are taking. You can take it many times with no side effects, then one day … Read more
I agree the neither can be regarded as second class citizens'. But isn't life better when the man is looking after you and supporting you. I much prefer my man earning more money then me, opening car doors, paying for meals and paying me complements. Whilst I look after him. I never burnt my bra … Read more
To give relationship advice without knowing all the details is difficult...You could offer a massage and pamper him. Buying a card with some significant words in. Or even try and write him a poem.
My advice would be not to do anything. If it is company policy, I would speak to your manager, as companies are responsible for how the Internet is used by their employees.
I was inexperienced when this happen to my cat. I got a very big box. Paper and an old towel. Made her a bed and paid the cat attention. She climbed in and out of the box, knowing the kittens where fine. I put the box in a quiet warm part of the house. When … Read more