I work at a vet clinic and that answer that they gave you is wrong. Here is the right answer.
There are a lot of nutritional and other health precautions that you should take with a pregnant dog to keep her and her puppies healthy, so it's best if you learn whether she's pregnant as … Read more
Most renters will lose their leases upon foreclosure. The rule in most states is that if the mortgage was recorded before the lease was signed, a foreclosure will wipe out the lease (this rule is known as "first in time, first in right"). Because most leases last no longer than a year, it's all too … Read more
I work at a vet clinic and have for over 4 years. You have nothing to worry about some dogs do that. One of mine does that for no reason sometimes. It's a nerve around there and some dogs when they get older it does that but no need to fear wait til it's cold … Read more