Hello I used to have a guinea pig and I used cedar chips they seemed to work best you can usually buy them in bags at pet stores or in the pet section of any store
It depends is the bump on the outside of your neck? If so, you may have mono, which also comes with very bad flu like symptoms, including bad sore throat and lumps/bumps on your neck area. You may want to check this out. If any of this applies to you, see a doctor. I hope … Read more
I love using cubed steak in stir fry. It's delicious. Just cook up any veggies you want with it, add some olive oil( not much) and salt and pepper and you have a delicious meal in minutes.
Someone already answered your question, but I will too. You should go to that website, or a have a trained local auctioneer like Ken Farmer(Virginia) appraise it. They might could give you an estimate. Typo coins are usually worth somewhere in the thousands or maybe very high hundreds.
Yes. My Father does and he doesn't have much money. I know they do if they're unemployed, but I'm not sure about college.
A peach ripens the fastest from what I've discovered,they bruise REALLY easily!
There are so many I can't think of them all. Right off the top of my head, I would say about 9 or 10 different ways. Pan-seared, grilled, charred, sauted,etc.
I know you said you have tried a million hand creams, but have you tried Udder Cream? It makes you hands really soft if used on a regular basis. I use it myself. It's just a couple of dollars at a local drugstore.