No, I would never miss the days spent in this website, it is truly enjoyable, and yeah it is addictive.
They have nothing to do, and they are trying to test people's opinions regarding the disturbing issue at hand. They are trying to create a commotion, trying to unsettle Blurtit users, and these people should be kicked out of the site with immediate effect, so as to maintain the integrity of this website, to make … Read more
Not all of them. Some nonsensical or incomplete ones are impossible to solve. Those Blurters should be given English 101 on how to write a proper question that humans can understand.
Yeah, it is hard to keep tabs. They should put who's online at our profiles so it is easier to see. And we won't wait like fools for something to happen when the person has already logged off from this website.
Great Britain won the most wars as it had the most experience. USA was like lambs to the slaughter.
Purposive sampling is defined as a method with a purpose, where you want to have access to a particular subset of people, and not just random people from the streets. It includes people of interest and excludes those that do not fulfill the conditions in mind. For example, you are looking to get opinions from … Read more