Hard disk is not RAM or ROM it is permanent storage media. The example of RAM (random access memory) is ram memory and ROM is bios which are read only memory.
New moon means when there is a birth of new moon it occurs after 29 days and lunar eclipses means when the moon is come in middle of earth and sun. Through this the sunlight doesn't reach to earth that's why the sun look dark.
A little background first. IP address allocation is handled by The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). And the command to find out someone ip is "ipconfig".
KB, MB and GB are units of memory in computer. KB stands for kilobytes which mean 1024 bytes. MB means megabyte which means 1024 KB. And GB is gigabytes which mean 1024 MB.
If you want to unlock your computer with out a password or disk then you need to open your computer casing and their on main board there is cell replace and then on your system its unlock.