It is Spanish and it means where is it x
It depends on what options are open to you different schools offer different things some schools may offer a childcare course I would def speak to your tutor to guide you or perhaps a career advisor,I think that Drama would be a good option as well and it is very enjoyable, its not easy but … Read more
It depends on what was in the pill all pills are different and its not just ecstasy in it I would say that you might fail it I think it takes 4 weeks to get out of your system. Your best bet avoid it.
If you go on to Google and type in "horoscopes", then it will come up with a few sites and some of them tell you everything you want to know - who you're compatible with and who you're not. There are lots of different sites and they are mostly free.
I have a two year old and he started misbehaving about 5 months ago he is such a loving child normally so its quite out of character he says please and thank you but sometimes he just will not listen so if he doesn't eat his dinner we tell him once and then it stays … Read more
Yes almost def it is important. There are so many things that you learn in education that you use in your everyday life. I think its important and also interesting xxx
No it will not turn to rubber it will just stay as a egg x
I'm a *****, I'm a mother I'm a child I'm a lover I'm a sinner I'm a saint I do not pay the rent, Mereditch brooks sings it.
I think that if your parents don't want you to have a mobile then there is obviously a reason for it, they are not just trying to make your life difficult they might not be able to afford it or they may be worried or they might think that you have not shown enough maturity. … Read more
Its usually 2 weeks after your period as that is when you are most fertile but I think it depends and can vary from person to person. Your doctor can tell you when you conceived by your scan which will let you know. HOPE YOU MANAGE TO FIND OUT.
If your only 4 days late it could be to early to read on a pregnancy test I would go to your doctors and take a test, leave it for a week your doctor can also advise you on the best ways to conceive . Good luck
As soon as you are married then you will both be responsible for the payments I'm afraid so they can take it out of both of your money. Sorry.
I think most men like to see women with a naked face so that they can see there true beauty if you want to wear anything then try a subtle lip gloss which emphases your natural features x
Go easy on him its not everyday that you have a male that is not just interested in being to forward, he could be shy or perhaps he wants to take things slow be grateful that hes with you because he likes your company and not because he wants some hanky panky
She might have worms which would make her lose weight, and poss put of her food in which case you should really take her to the vet for the best diagnosis.
Its very unlikely that you are if you have had your period, but it is possible as some people do have periods while they are pregnant. Most women are most fertile two weeks after there period and having lots of sex does not increase your chances of getting pregnant. Take a test to see when … Read more
Some can show up in a couple of days, others in a couple of weeks but some might not even show at all. It really depends on what it is and the individual as every one has different reactions.
You need to be your self, there are so many different interpretations of the word cool, and you don't need to to be cool to be liked by other people. Try not to just follow the croud, and talk to them, invite them out just be your self then no one can accuse you of … Read more
You can't help who you fall in love with and sometimes you will love someone no matter what they have done. It can be a curse in many ways due to no matter how much you might not want to love them so it at least takes away the pain, you still do. Just be … Read more
There's nothing to worry about periods are funny things and they can come when you least expect it, a change in your diet or lifestyle added stress or anything so don't worry.