Yes. There is no possible way to avoid it with the monetary and economic policies in place. This is just the very beginning. The Federal Reserve has printed us into a worthless currency by firing up the printing presses anytime Washington needed money. Look at the value of our dollar vs the peso....that will give … Read more
Not by itself, but like the other poster said, if you already have those feelings it can enhance them. On the other hand it can also be used to fight against depression, as it naturally provokes one to self examination and reflection.
No, but salt does.
Depends on the car. It'll be inside the cabin, check glovebox, under drivers side dash, open door and check drivers side and passenger side of dash.
The AIDS virus has an EXTREMELY short life when exposed to oxygen. In open air, it can live all of about 5 minutes, give or take. While it's a possibility, it's extremely small. You would have more chance of getting head lice.
I'm no expert, but digestion is affected. The bile from the gallbladder helps to breakdown certain foods. When that is removed, you may get some heartburn, bloating, etc. I have noticed that people who have had the GB removed for reason of stones, have an increased number of problems with kidney stones. I'm not a … Read more
I'd try giving him aloe vera juice from the local health food store. See if that doesn't stop the puking. If it does, get some Acidopholus or let him eat some yogurt. Make him rice and ground beef to eat. If this doesn't help, get him to a vet. If he hasn't eaten in 2 … Read more
Just a couple of weeks. If you suspect rabies get her checked ASAP and get to the DR to get shots to protect yourself.
HORRIBLE! The Lokata Nation is trying to secede from the US. That should be a good indication.