1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories so in a week you have to burn 3500 calories more then you eat to lose 1 pound.
1 lb of fat is equal to 3500 calories. Depending on your lifestyle and body type depends on the length of time it would take. I naturally burn 2000 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle (inactive lifestyle) meaning that it would take me 5 days to lose 1 lb without trying. The more active … Read more
LSD will NOT show up on this test because LSD is not the average drug. The only way to get busted for the use is through a spinal tap or getting caught using it.
LSD doesn't kill it's the trip, be it bad or good, that kills because of the actions the user takes while using.
Not the spine but it stores in your spinal fluid which means at any given time after the use it can be released from the spinal fluid and affect the person after one week or ten years it doesn't matter. Other then just being stored it does not cause spinal harm to the user in … Read more
LSD like any drug can cause problems with your brain but LSD has the worst affects with the fact acid will be contained in your spinal fluid which means at anytime a user can have a "flashback" where the acid will escape from the pouch of spinal fluid it is in and give the user … Read more
Usually it is a liquid but in pill form it is a jell, or on paper it is usually dried liquid soaked paper.