Some how you need to re-light that specialness you had between you. I would try and look for things that you haven't done before that will make you closer, and maybe need to work closely together, in the activity you haven't done before. Good Luck.
Just ask to talk to her when she's not with her friends this will avoid embarrassment. Just tell her how you feel and if she feels the same she will tell you. Ask her out when you speak to her, you don't have to take her to a restaurant etc.. Just to ask her out.
Maybe that's just her way of been romantic, or she doesn't know how to be romantic to you in case you think that shes been to forward and giving you the wrong idea
Why are you asking people to tell you the name of your next boyfriend???? Eventually will find someone that is special to you and right now I can't tell you what his name is going 2 b as no-one knows not even me or you.
Sadly I don't know the full story so I can't really advice what to do I would say if you feel comfortable around him and your emotionally sorted and have proper protection and are doing it in a safe environment you should be fine.
Having a boyfriend is just like having an normal friend just talk about the stuff that you would with them