I have this friend. He likes ping-pong. I could ask him...
Because Facebook makes it so easy to learn what's going on in your friends' lives. People aren't really obsessed with Facebook, they're obsessed with the people they're watching on Facebook. You can view everything Someone has ever said or done on Facebook and they'll have no idea that you're seeing all of it. It's genius.
She might have eaten some pills or poisoned food and is having an overdose.
It means he loves you and you should tell him that you love him too.
Get a copy of her house key (or just sneak in a window), fill her room with her favorite flowers, and leave her a lovey poem on her bed. Then send her anonymous love letters, until she starts to fall for her "secret admirer". After you've captured her affection anonymously, open up to her and … Read more
His soul is slowly being taken by dementors.
A woman of tall stature with incredibly bland hair colour who spends her life searching for companionship, but always finds her self alone. Low intelligence, trouble socializing, itchy scalp. Lower than pond scum. In the 1800's, "Rebecca" was the most common name of witches being burned at the stake.