Chat with your friends.
Listen to your favorite music and dance with it.
Read book or amazing magazins.
Play games.
Download music.
Call your friends and speak with them.
They were all I knew hope I helped GOOD LUCK.
Not even do what Aj Yoon said its not ok just ask him sth like who is your GF?do you have any I think its better than that
Music and friends make me happy and excited
exams and happening bad things makes me sad and fights make me mad
Hope I helped.
Tell your boy friend to act and do things that your father like make him a boy that your father like fathers r always like this.hope I helped
Yes I heared about it its new
I think u r missing them but it depends on what that person represents to u and what he or she did
To explaine and say everything about
You can put your song in his fan site