I'm no vet, but am a owner of 6 dogs various breeds my jack russell age to got the same thing, its acne , dogs get it too, many dogs like mine and yours refuse to eat untill it stops itching so they can enjoy there food, get acne cream for dogs , your local … Read more
Glad you had a gr8 time, I went out with a guy when I was 12 and I got along well with his parents the first time and his little sister was wanting clothing advice , when we were in the back of the car together she would keep saying no kissing mind, and then … Read more
Simple reason why is because of you being older she wants to act the same age and just say look my friend got me this top , you should get one like it , its lush! And then she wont attrack any unwanted attention x and the bras just say it seems to be sagging … Read more
It depends on how active you are because even though im not that active i own three dogs but with them all been either a cross chihuahua or a chihuahua then they are as easy as a cat to look after because they all use a litter tray they lie on your lap and unlike … Read more