Two seperate eggs are fertalized by sperm. In identical twims one egg is fertalised and splits into two.
Tell your mom or dad. She shouldnt be doing this to you. You know its wrong thats why you cry. She is sick or perverted. Please tell parents or other trusted adult or even a friend.
Are they cheap or on a strict budget?
An oral warning still on paper but a warning. Discuss problem ways of improving and future consequences. If not heeded give write up explanin the onging problem followed by unpaid suspension for about three days. On third day ask employee if he wants to keep the job. If no then he quit. If he wants … Read more
It depends on if they are americanized. In their culture they are raised to be be more docile quiet and reserved.
when people get older they realize that thaey have not fullfilled their dreams and aspirations. They come to th realization that they wasted so much time. That instead of taking care of themselves along the way they put all their energy into family which is okay exept that they left no time for … Read more
Sounds like a bacterial infection. You need an oral med to take for atleast seven days see a doctor.
If youve tried lots of water no soda or caffiene fiber with no results try milk of magnesia. It worked for me within 2 hours. This was after going without pooping for six days. I was going to see a doctor because toxins build up in your body. Aside from being uncomfortable the situation is … Read more
Unfortunately, mentally ill people were put in into some pretty terrible places with no way of improving their plights. Conditions were horrible, and these places harboured neglect and abuse.
There was very little understanding of mental illness, and therefore the sick were contained in terrible conditions.
I love means you are sure this is the one. I have feelings for you means it could develope into something but I'm not sure yet.
I thought I was the only person who did that. Its just our little fantasy world. Weve always wanted to be a movie star or something
nothing wrong with dreaming.
Men always use the commitment cop out. What he really means is: You ok but im looking for something better. U are just not what he is looking for which is someone for good times. Dump the fickle man unless u want the same thing he wants.
No it weakens the desired effect of med which is to lower bp.
That preasure is dangerously high. you r in danger have having a heart attack or stroke. See a doctor soon before preasure does more harm to you.
Because they can. We let them by being easy. Yes easy. We let them have whatever they want including sex. It takes a while to genuinly love somebody. Some of us think that we have to give him sex or else he wont love us. Guys who havent had the chance to know u mentally … Read more
No dear it is not ok. He is too old for you. If he really feels strongly about you he will be willing to wait till you reach a more mature age. If you can disscuss this with a trusted adult. If the trusted adult tells you something you obviously don't want to hear please … Read more
Managers should be able to maintain rules and regs in a company by motivating staff carry out duties in an effective manner. Also resposible for running a respectfull work area never demeoning any staff and maintaining staff privacy. A manager should work well with its staff as well superiors. A manager should be willing to … Read more
It is very contagious. If a person has an open lesion mrsa can be passed to someone else who has open skin that comes into contact with infected lesion or opening.
Blood work needs to be done to detect damage or ailment.
Love italian classical music as well as spanis music.