Diplomat says: " Sir/Madam, I think you and I will just have to agree to disagree. Politician says: " I agree totally with you, except when I don't ".
All I can say is when my timing belt broke, the car stopped immediately, so I don't see how it could have "ruined" your engine. Not saying it's not possible, just saying get more than one opinion from one mechanic. If you're in the US, and have AAA, they can recommend a qualified reliable mechanic. … Read more
Why choose? I pick all three and preferably in my bed when they are 'sans clothes'.
Depends. Does the letter say you were accepted or denied ?
Depends. Bleeding from where ? How much ? How often ? What type of dog? Male or female ? Any problems when it was born ? Is it weaned off the mother yet ? Need more info to be accurate. Sorry to hear about its malady.
It means the item is so newly posted that no one has related it to any searches yet. It's not a bad thing and usually doesn't last more than a day or two if the item is searched for a lot.