YASIR ARAFATH answered question
First open the Internet Browser like(Internet Explorer or MOzilla or Chrome) then type the mail provider name on the Address Bar(Example: Www.gmail.com or www.ymail.com or www.hotmail.com )then press Enter Then  type your user name on the Login box(Example if your mail id is (xxx@gmail.com) then just type (user name :xxx) then type the password and … Read more
YASIR ARAFATH answered question
I have copied the poem from internet: I lost the scroll of instructions you gave to guide me to the door of your house; I sat in distress on life’s cross roads. and asked the wayfarers and the caravans, to show me the way to my destination. some said the way was long andRead more
YASIR ARAFATH answered question
Its very simple....I have used the 'C' language which is more lenient and best programming language for beginners..... Program for displaying the Odd number(1,3,5,7,9,11.....); #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,odd; printf("enter the numbers "); scanf_s("%d",&n); for(odd=0;odd<=n;odd++) { if(odd%2!=0)         // odd modulus 2 gives reminder that is not equal to zero { … Read more
YASIR ARAFATH answered question
Difference Between DBMS and File Processing System: DBMS 1. Redundancy is controlled.2.Unauthorised access is restricted. 3. Providing multiple user interfaces.4. Enforcing integrity constraints.5. Providing backup and recovery. File Processing System1. Data redundancy & inconsistency.2. Difficult in accessing data.3. Data isolation.4. Data integrity.5. Concurrent access is not possible.6. Security Problems. Hope you got it
YASIR ARAFATH answered question
Obviously you must have either a current or saving account in that Bank to which you need internet banking.....Just go that bank and ask for a procedure to apply for net banking.....they may give some form requiring all your personal details then submit it.....within 10 or 15 days you may receive some confidential letters mentioning … Read more
YASIR ARAFATH answered question
I have learned from my teacher that there is no short form for cubic inches;As of for example : 6 square inches  can be written as 6 sq.inches Like that the above answer for given question will be: 6,272,640 cubic inches there also the further conversion from cubic inches to ml,ts etc., 16.3871 milliliters3.3247 teaspoons1.1082Read more
YASIR ARAFATH answered question
I don't know which OS are you using?if its Windows Xp then try the below statements: Click right on your Desktop->select properties->you wil get a property window in that window select Appearance tab->you wil find a Font-size drop down menu-->then  select the corresponding font -size which ever you feel comfortable...and if you are using Linux … Read more