Sorry I don't know what a meez card is?
Uhh derr you go onto the stupid site and sign up 4 it. Then activate your account only if you have a email then you check your email then follow the rest from there. Everyone knows THAT!!!
Ok listen carefully to these words everyone. You can get a free membership only!!!! If you are the one who created the moshi monsters website or if you have a stupid membership f**kin card thing with a f**kin pin code on it or unless you have a stupid magical way of hacking into peoples moshi … Read more
You have to pay or you can go to retailer stores to buy the Time card. But you can look up sites that include free membership stuff. I did it once but you have to do these surveys, truly they don't work.
Yeah umm lots like: Club penguin, facebook and youtube (kinda) panfu
Make one up! It might work. Or would you rather look some up? If I were you, MAKE ONE UP!!!
Ok I'm going to adopt a moshi monster and get back to that question.
B.T.W I know some:
Moshlingzoo1 (I don't think it will work now coz some people may have used it)
by the way add my friend her name is: Cutiesnap she's a member