Probably wont happen. It's like the married man and the mistress 9 times out of 10 the man stays married. Her kids live with this guy she can't just leave him. It's to complicated and if he is that possessive you had better be careful.
Your past is your past. You cant change it. You have to put it behind you and not do it any more.
Don't tell him show him. Just tell him to be quite and kiss him show him how. Just like you said he could be bad since he hasn't done it. Tell him what you like cause he won't know. But to start just tell him to be quite and let you show him and kiss … Read more
I take lost of aspirin and ibuforen because i work out and am in contact sports. Other than that nope.
Telling some one they should quit aspirin is like telling them to quit watching TV..
why don't you be more specific.. Illegal drugs?
Telling some one they should quit aspirin is like telling them to quit watching TV..
why don't you be more specific.. Illegal drugs?
Password on what?Does he have a million kb encryption on a flash drive locked in a safe with a pass code? Does he have a zip file with a pass on it? Is it just a pass on windows? Please give enough information for people to accurately respond to your question.
Then don't have sex with him don't live with him don't let him see you naked only let him get away with the most innocent kiss until her marries you.
Personally I believe if he wants to marry you then he will propose even if he is "getting the milk for free" and if he … Read more
Personally I believe if he wants to marry you then he will propose even if he is "getting the milk for free" and if he … Read more
I'm pretty sure your info is wrong. If anything is attacking you or any other human you have the right to defend yourself or the other human.
If you love him you stay with him. Its a hard choice but he needs to decide wether or not he wants to make his life with you as miserable as his families life. He can't and shouldn't be expected to support you and himself as well as his family. They should be the ones … Read more
Initially physical appearance is needed. But after some ones fallen in love if their partner lost their beauty in say a fire it wouldn't matter. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder some one I don't think is good looking my friend will think is the best looking person on the planet.
Why don't you just wait a couple days and see what he has to say and go from their. It sounds like something has upset him. He may be upset with you and want to leave you or it may be something completely different than you that's on his mind just wait a couple days … Read more
Why the double post. With less info in one? The question would be whether or not you liked her as well before your parents were married. It would be a bit odd and seen as immoral by others. You would have to be willing to deal with the hardships of essentially being with your "sister" … Read more
It may not be illegal. It depends on your state and what you do. But it may be seen as immoral. The age diffrence isn't that much to worry about.
It's not up to you to decide whether or not you are good enough for him. That's his decision. I am sure he has areas of weakness in which you excel. If he is with you he finds you worthy of himself.
You can't just set back and wait for some one to take him. You have to tell him before he is with another or it's going to be allot worse for both of you.
If your trying to get into Canada so you can then come to America its not going to be that easy. The laws have changed you now need a visa to get into Canada from the us and vice versa. Or at least that change is coming very soon.
If you in love how is it not serious? If you love some one you should do what you can to be with them even if you don't go to the same "uni" you could go visit once or twice a week. If you love each other distance wont stop that.
It really depends on both of your ages.
If he is cheating on you know what says he wont in the future? You need to confront him about it. If your sure he is cheating then you can accuse him of it but if you don't know you just think you have to be very careful about how you do it. I would … Read more
You should just kiss her and not worry about it. But if you can talk to her about it and ask what she would like you to do differently or the same it will really help you in pleasing her as well as yourself. Don't be afraid to talk about things.
I believe if you tell her you don't want to have sex before marriage and she still tries to force you she may not truly love you. If you love some one you will do anything you can for them and not having sex until you are married is a very simple thing.