Actually, that doesn't necessarily mean it is a demon. Sleep paralysis may be the cause of this but it also may be a powerful entity. They aren't always dangerous but you probably should get a proffesional. This had been happening to me almost every other night since the day I was saved. It was attached … Read more
I wouldn't know from experience because I'm in high school and still a virgin but a lot of my friends are having sex so I know how it is. Advantages I've been told: It feels good. It's a good way to experiment. You might love the boy (or girl depending on your taste). Disadvantages: You … Read more
You know, I like one of my cousins too. I really don't think there's anything wrong about it (in the end we all came from the same blood either way).
I told him and it turned out that he liked me too! I think you should go for it! If he likes you back great! … Read more