Take the negative battery cable loose for about 30 seconds, this will cause the computer to reset, and it will check to see if your problem is really fixed or not. If the light still comes on, then you still have a problem that you have not corrected.
Either the heater core is partially plugged or you have a vacuum problem causing your underdash ductwork doors to not open and close properly, or you might have a bad heater control valve (located in one of your heater hoses under the hood). Slim possibility that it is just low on coolant, this will sometimes … Read more
Do a good tune-up, plugs,wires, cap and rotor. This should eliminate any electrical problems. If that doesn't do it, swap your injectors from cylinder to cylinder and see if the problem moves with the swap. ( I don't think this model had throttle body injection). If that doesn't do it, run a compression check, all … Read more
Three things will cause smoking: Too much fuel in the air/fuel mixture (black smoke), water in the mixture (white smoke), and oil in the mixture (blueish white smoke)...Smell the exhaust with the engine running and warmed up, each problem has a characteristic odor (oil, gas, or antifreeze) and watch your liquid levels, you will be … Read more
I have no background in psychiatry at all but have run across a few people in my life that remind me of this person. I always attributed their problems to low intellect, selfishness, and laziness. Sadly, I never saw much change in them over the years, in fact, they seemed to be very resistant to … Read more
I also have a umbilical hernia, very painful at first, but gets less and less sensitive all the time, doesn't seem to be affecting the size of anything.
The bleeding process for this particular system is VERY complicated and requires special tools, either get a good service manual or take it to a pro, I really would not recommend you try it yourself. Sorry.
If you don't get the odor when you heat a pot of water on the stove, then the problem has to be chemical buildup in your hot water heater. Possibly something in the water supply is being precipitated out by coming in contact with the hot element....
I was always told that the color or lack of it was unimportant, it can change with many factors, including diet... The only time to be concerned is if urine is cloudy, usually indicating insufficient water intake...My urine is sometimes clear, also, never had any problems and I am almost 70.
Sounds like a classic case of plugged fuel filter...Could also be plugged catalytic converter, but this is unlikely unless you have run a lot of leaded gasoline in the past.
Freeze them first, then steam them when you are ready to serve. Don't know what the steam does, but it sure makes them taste good....
You need to get somebody to run a diagnostic analyzer on your engine, you probably have one of your computer sensors bad, Most auto parts stores (Autozone) sell the analyzers or will check your car for free. Other possibilities are: Plugged fuel filter, trash or water in fuel, or fuel pressure regulator. Good luck.
Probably your best bet is to get a repair manual, Haynes and Chiltons are both good. It will have a picture of the timing marks in the proper location. A little tip, the #1 cylinder will be at Top Dead Center when the timing is right on the crank pulley, you can find TDC with … Read more
This usually is caused by excessive clearances on the rod and main bearings, and oil pump....caused by wear...If you do a bearing and oil pump replacement before the crankshaft gets damaged you should be good for many more miles....not that expensive, either...The light comes on because the oil pump doesn't put out as much at … Read more
It has been my experience that the people who are happy, friendly, considerate, and sincere are the most liked people....
There are 1000 Megabytes in a Gigabyte, if that is your question.
The funeral home provided death certificates for me at the price of $5 each, cheap enough.
Sounds like he is not too concerned about what your reaction is, which means he may be already distancing himself from you...not unusual, if a guy is "in lust" with another woman. Try not to overreact and don't compromise your own morality, just ride it out with as much courage and good grace as you … Read more
No real problem, my dad was 8 years older than Mom, and my sister married an older man. Both had good marriages and happy lives, but both were widowed at a relatively young age, something to think about? Means living a lot of your golden years alone, unless you are one of the lucky ones … Read more
Don't ever give up on a kid..Show him love and discipline and show by your example what an adult is supposed to be. If you can earn his respect and show him that he is important to you, you have a chance to get through to him, and put him on the right path to … Read more