Depression can be a chemical imbalance in the brain. Sometimes we don't always know "why" we're depressed...we just "are". There are many new meds out there for depression that can make a world of difference in your outlook on life. Thinking "happy thoughts" never really worked for me. I always felt like I was in … Read more
"Drugs" and "Medicines" in the medical community are used interchangeably. There is even Medical Marijuana used for cancer patients for nausea, lack of appetite. What you are referring to is legal or illegal... That's determined by the Drug Enforcement Agencies etc. - what kind of drugs will most likely cause harm to yourself / others … Read more
ADHD is a physiological disorder with a behavioral component. MRI studies of the brain comparing the brain activity of an ADHD vs a "normal" child showed various differences in the activity level of certain parts of the brain. Stimulants seem to activate the less active parts of the brain which paradoxically actually "slow" the activity … Read more