It will not clean you out, but it will let you pass a test for up to 6 hours. Ive used it 4 times for probation and no problems
I used it for probation. Its worked 4 times so far, and I go again to my last test tomorrow. I trust it since it has worked, but the only thing. You MUST DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND PISS ALOTTT. If I pass tomorrow, ill be back to post again. Strip nc softgel is what … Read more
I've smoked the night before, used strip 2 hours before my test. Drink the hell out of water, adn you should be good. Just drink that water baby. I've been on probation for 1 1/2 years, and its worked for 4 of my tests. Oddly enough my last test is tomorrow, and I plan pon … Read more