Anonymous asked 6/1/2016 I'm a girl and I'm hairy as heck, it's everywhere and I don't know what to do. Shaving will make it worse, waxing doesn't work, cn't afford laser and doctors aren't helping. What can i do???
Anonymous asked 5/23/2016 I just started getting my period about 10 months ago. I am not moody on my period, and am all the other time. Like super moody, I almost think I am bipolar. Is this normal?
Anonymous asked 5/17/2016 I think I got my first period, but there were only a bit of brown blood. There was no more blood of any sort for the rest of the month. I haven't gotten it again. Is this normal?
Anonymous asked 5/17/2016 how to stop growing........dont say no way is there......i need to become short pls?
Anonymous asked 5/17/2016 Why women's toilet is usually crowded while men's toilet is empty in the public toilet?
Elizabeth Dorsch asked 4/29/2016 Describe how it feels like to give birth to a child. I want a kid so bad but the pain holds me back?
Anonymous asked 4/28/2016 I'm 4 days late, I took a pregnancy test it showed negative. How long after your late will a at home test come poaitive, if you are pregnant?
Breanna Monroe asked 4/25/2016 GIRLS ONLY PLEASE! how long do period cramps last? i got mine three days ago. today i still have them. this is only my third period so I don't know that much yet. will my cramps be gone soon or do i have to cope the whole week?
Anonymous asked 4/20/2016 i get my period a week each month (obvi) and change it 2 times a day, so how many months should 36 pads last me?
Anonymous asked 4/19/2016 I'm 13, I don't have my period yet, Ive had discharge for a year, my vagina smells so bad. I tried spraying perfume but nothing works, the smell is so bad that when I open my legs I can smell it, please help me with how to get rid of the smell?
Anonymous asked 4/12/2016 I think I had my first period in Saturday. There was some brown stuff in my underwear with a red tinge. It now Tuesday and there hasn't been any more blood. Is this OK?
Adriana smile asked 4/6/2016 My period is coming at different times each month, for example on February 28th then March 15th then April 4th, is this normal?
Anonymous asked 3/29/2016 Why do people say a pregnancy is a nine months when it is actually 40 weeks?