Anonymous asked 7/19/2016 Is there a way to get PMT to stop (until your next period)? Usually my PMT ceases once my period starts, but this time it hasn't. I keep wanting to cry, and it's getting on my nerves now! Any ideas on how to control this?
Anonymous asked 7/17/2016 My period is 2 days late, took a test today and it came back negative...could I be pregnant with no symptoms? Are the results right? High stress..
Anonymous asked 7/15/2016 If a 22 year old female had a 13 year old son, how old would she have been when she had him?
k p patel asked 7/1/2016 i am 25,my last period is 22 th feb. after mrg not getting period once.i consult dr. he give me a other pill but not success.after that he give me meprat for five day (3 per day)still not getting period. after how many day period will come?
Anonymous asked 7/1/2016 This swim team I plan on joining soon has practice everyday. I have my period, so I'm worried that it'll come. I don't think I can use tampons, because My mom thinks they're "dangerous" so I've never used them. What do I do?
Anonymous asked 6/27/2016 Which do you prefer to use? Pads or tampons (girls only)! And what brands would you recommend?
Anonymous asked 6/26/2016 I have always had abnormal periods. I stopped the depo shot maybe 2 months ago. I had since been spotting and just suddenly stopped out of nowhere anout 5 days ago, and also have frequent urination as of today??
Anonymous asked 6/24/2016 Im 2weeks preggies & I have this intense feeling that she is a little girl. My question is, if you close your eyes and think of me and my baba, what sex do you feel he or she is and what colour hair and eyes comes to mind first. Always trust instinct?
DDX Project asked 6/24/2016 Why is it illegal for women to go topless in public outside of NY? I mean if the woman wants to, and men like it, what's the problem here? =D
Anonymous asked 6/23/2016 My cycle is every 37 days, I've been late a few times before for a max of 3 weeks. I'm currently 5 weeks late In scared to test and I don't really have any symptoms either. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Anonymous asked 6/20/2016 been tryin 2 get pregnant had sex all week last week started bleeding 3 days later & im still bleeding i been having bad cramps&sore boobs& tired alot. I took a pregnancy test but it was to early. Could i be pregnant?
Anonymous asked 6/18/2016 Hi, im a 15 year old girl and have had my period for three years, but I'm getting kinda worried I haven't had my period in two months and I don't know what's wrong, i don't think i can be pregnant considering I havent had sex for six months?
Anyi Ndu asked 6/16/2016 My last period started 29th of May, I had unprotected sex on the 13 and 14 of June, will it result into pregnancy, my circle is 26 days. Thank you?
Anonymous asked 6/15/2016 My gf is pregnant and I am 14 years old and she is 15 she said if I couldn't make her not be pregnant, like an at home abortion with no doctors and no one finding out, or she'd kill herself I really love her, pls help me?
Anonymous asked 6/11/2016 I should get my cycle the 14th or 15th but tonight I got a very faint positive line on a pregnancy test. Am I pregnant?
nicole nw asked 6/7/2016 I'm bleeding heavy an I just got off my period two weeks ago it might be stress idk?
Shayen Shayen asked 6/5/2016 I'm currently 5 days late on my period, my fiancé did it inside me everytime he had the chance during this past month what are the chances of me being pregnant or could it be something else that is making my period not come?