Lisa Pascall asked 5/6/2015 I'm 14 and a girl. I bleach my upper lip hair about once a week, but now I want the hair gone. I want to use hair removal cream but am not sure which one, or wax, but I'm afraid I'll have to regrow the hair regularly? The hairs are dark. Thanks.
Beauty Girls asked 5/6/2015 Hi I'm 13 and I've had discharge since 11. I started growing boobs at 12. Lately my discharge has been stringy. I have pubic hair. Today I got a lot of brown discharge it looks like chocolate. I want to know how long it will last till I get my period?
Zayn Amin asked 5/1/2015 I am 13 years old and I like this girl who likes me back.I don't know what to do or what to say to her.What should I do or say to her?
Anonymous asked 4/28/2015 Why does everyone say to go up to the girls? Why don't the girls come up to the boys more. I know people say that girls are too shy but so are boys. Why can't everybody just do what their heart feels and not be shy to ask boys out?
Awesome Autumn asked 4/27/2015 I feel like I'm all alone, kind of abandoned. Anyone know why? My friends did something that really upset me so I'm not talking to them, my mom's sick, and stuff happens at home. I feel alone.
Anonymous asked 4/18/2015 I need help. I have like, 350 dollars, that I am saving for college, and I went shopping with my friends, and spent 240 dollars. My parents don't know, and they don't allow me to spend money. What do I do?
Anonymous asked 4/17/2015 I spied on my sister when she was changing, I feel guilty. Should I tell my parents?
Emily Confidential asked 4/16/2015 So there is this teaching assistance in my class and he's in his like 20's/ early 30's and he always talks to me and we always have a good laugh and I kinda like him and he's at least 10 if not 20 years older then me what should I do?
shylah seals asked 4/16/2015 Sociology Research. Prefer ages 16-20. Tell me: What shows do you prefer. What music do you listen to. How involved your parents are in your everyday life. What impacts your decisions to become or not become sexually active?
Drop Dead asked 4/15/2015 My friend doesn't think that anyone has it as bad as her. She ranted to me about how I've never felt actual pain or lost my everything. She says I don't understand. I need some advice?
Anonymous asked 4/11/2015 I had a physical fight with a girl in my class...its been over a month now and she talks to me as if were friends and I hate her. What do I do to get her to stop talking to me?
Anonymous asked 4/10/2015 I really like this guy from my school, we are really close but he just told me that he is gay. What so I do?
Anonymous asked 4/6/2015 I commented on my crushes photo on Instagram, but it's gone and I think he deleted it. Why?!
Lala Ybarra asked 3/21/2015 I'm 15 and I think my boyfriend's parents might be hitting him but I don't know how to find out without being pushy, and if they are hitting him what do I do to help him?
Avery Smith asked 3/11/2015 My friends and my boyfriend's friends are trying to make us kiss, I have never kissed anyone. Please help me?
lydia person asked 3/9/2015 So. I have a best friend. He is always blowing up, and yelling. This really bothers me but Idk how to tell him. But I don't like when he takes it out on me, and I've told him so before?