Anonymous asked 7/9/2015 If you haven't heard from someone for 3 weeks, is it safe to say that they no longer want to be with you? (it's my bf) or do you think something may be wrong if he is ignoring everyone and not just me?
xo xo asked 7/8/2015 Why is it when I tell any adult that I have suicide thoughts they reply saying its just a faze your going through?! Like it won't be just a faze when I kill myself.
Anonymous asked 7/7/2015 I get bullied at school for supporting certain football clubs. I hate this please help :(?
Lindsay H. asked 7/7/2015 Cyber bullies are making me feel bad about myself and now I want to commit sucide cause of it. I try to ignore them but something is telling me to go back. What should I do about this feeling I have?
Lindsay H. asked 7/2/2015 Why do I cry every time someone laughs? Why do I feel like they are laughing at me?
Theodore Putnam asked 6/30/2015 What do girls look for in guys? Please answer girls out there, I really need your advice!
Anonymous asked 6/28/2015 I want to dance with this pretty girl, but don't know what to talk about. She is too young for dating and is Christian, so the topic has to stay clean?
Anonymous asked 6/27/2015 I went to Lagoon with my best friend and my Boyfriend. I wasn't supposed to see him. My mom just found out what happened. My dad doesn't know yet. I shouldn't have lied. Now I'm going to have to face my dad. What should I do or say?
Anna Khayalan asked 6/25/2015 Parents, what would you/do you warn your kids about life as they become adults?
Good Boy asked 6/22/2015 Has anyone read "A Tale of Two Cities"? Please tell me, I need your help guys, super fast.
Feras Rocks asked 6/18/2015 My girlfriend wants to have sex with her but I'm not ready. We're both 16. But I'll get in trouble with her dad. Recently my girlfriend has been pushing for sex. I am afraid if we get to that point I won't be able to control myself?
Feras Rocks asked 6/18/2015 My girlfriends dad thinks i want sex? But I don't and he hates me for no apparent reason. I'm 16 by the way. What should I say to him. I told him I don't. And he doesn't believe me.
Feras Rocks asked 6/15/2015 I'm a 16 year old boy and I have body hair all over and I was wandering if it's normal? I mean I don't wanna be baby butt smooth either, but was wandering if its normal to have hair all over. It's dense. Please tell me.
Aaron Middlebrook asked 6/12/2015 Why do people judge others by their looks? Like what clothes they wear, what kind of a house they live in etc.
Thomas Scott asked 6/8/2015 How can I be more attractive. I am a good looking 14 year old, but I want to look better than I am but I'm already good looking. I wash, have a great hairstyle but I want to get the girls. I am just too nervous to talk to them. Sorry two Questions?