Anonymous asked 1/8/2016 Why is a boy mean to you; than is lunatic-crazy, with jokes or personality than tries to hang out with you as much as possible?
Anonymous asked 1/7/2016 QUESTION TO GUYS: How long does it take you to get over your female crush if things don't work out? Is it true that guys get over their crushes easily?
Anonymous asked 1/6/2016 I just moved to a state I have never lived in and I don't know anyone. I am an extremely shy person and I really need advice. I start school tomorrow and I don't know what to do. Please help?
Anonymous asked 1/5/2016 How can I avoid being humiliated when the teacher hands out invitations for the Honour Roll students party and I'm not invited and I'm in a gifted class?
Anonymous asked 1/4/2016 So I'm bisexual and this girl I know is straight and has a boyfriend but then she smiles at me a lot and she tells me she's bisexual, why?
Anonymous asked 12/29/2015 How do I keep me my friend and make sure we do not fall apart, because we do not talk as much anymore?
Anonymous asked 12/25/2015 I woke up at 11:30 took a shower put deodorant on, played video games with friends in the ac, but around 6pm they told me I smell awful. How do I stink if I showered and used deodorant?
Sophia Tortilla asked 12/12/2015 I'm a secret santa for this really critical girl and so far I've given her two bags of candy this week for her clue and she always trashes my gifts. I have no idea what to get for the final gift! She's into anime but that's out of my reach? (she is almost 16 and I'm 14)
Jessica Kim asked 12/12/2015 My mom is 1.64cm and my dad is 1.70cm. I am 14 years old and I got my period when I was 14 too. So.. what would be my final adult height? P.S. My mom said she got her period at almost high school and grew like 15cm for 4 years.
Anonymous asked 12/11/2015 Last month I rekindled an old friendship which I want to be in for life. How can we text more (he's bad at answering his phone)? My fiend tries to get in the way by sucking up to him and his friend wants him to join his group. What will I do about this?
Anonymous asked 12/11/2015 I ignored my crush for a month because I thought he liked someone else and tried to get over him. But I couldn't do it... And I found out he never liked anyone else. He always liked me. But I feel weird talking to him now. What do I do?
Brandon Williams asked 12/8/2015 Hi I'm 15 and I wanted to know when do spots go away for a teenager? My parents told me that mum had it for 12 months and dad had it for a few years but I just wanted to be sure because I need to know. This is driving me insane!
Anonymous asked 12/8/2015 I like this guy who's only in one of my classes. During class, he talks to everyone else but me. Whenever I try to talk to him, he tries to ignore me...? Also, I catch him looking at me sometimes...what's going on?
Anonymous asked 12/8/2015 I called a guy for hw help, and he asked me if I was okay because I was more quiet than usual. I burst into tears, and I don't usually cry in front of people. Now I'm too embarrassed to even look at him, what should I do?