jessica seamons asked 5/28/2015 What is the most annoying thing someone has done while you were watching a film in a theater?
Anonymous asked 5/27/2015 Which cultural group once preserved food by burying kimchi pots underground during the winter? A. Turkmen B. Chinese C. Koreans D. Nomadic Mongolian herders
Anonymous asked 5/24/2015 What do you think about this statement: "Privacy is theft and secrets are lies. Total transparency will make us free and creates a honest society."?
Nassy Nascarnut asked 5/16/2015 My 46th birthday is tomorrow, and I was simply curious if I can claim it's my 29th again and have folks believe me?
Darling Divaa asked 5/11/2015 Why was there no protesting in Hattiesburg Mississippi after two police officers were shot to death on Saturday evening?
Anonymous asked 5/9/2015 Why is it so important to be accepted in society? Why can't we live the way we want to live as long as we aren't harming others?
Yo Kass asked 5/4/2015 Non-UK people... What is your impression of the UK? What would you expect life to be like here?