Chewed Bubblegum asked 6/29/2015 What are some cheap, $10 DIY crafts for a birthday party? My friend's turning 17 and I wanna make her something that's relatively small but fun/cute. Any ideas??? Thanks!
Kathryn Amis asked 6/28/2015 Is it possible to discuss/negotiate/treat with ISIS? If not, can anyone see a solution to the problem?
Anonymous asked 6/28/2015 Should I go to this class reunion? I am invited to a class reunion but it is the year head of my class. But it is the year I should have finished school if not for my mother.
Rooster Cogburn asked 6/28/2015 What two classic errors did Colonel Custer commit at his final campaign?
Anonymous asked 6/27/2015 I lost 5 dollars in New York city, and put up a 10 dollar reward but no one replied yet. What should I do?
Taylor Michelle asked 6/27/2015 What is your reaction to the news that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states?
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 6/26/2015 An enemy nation has invaded your country. There is little time to react so you grab the object nearest your person to use as a weapon to defend yourself. What is the object?
Darling Divaa asked 6/26/2015 What do you think of all these businesses taking everything "confederate" off their shelves and online?
Nov Noveltman asked 6/25/2015 What is the real, underlying reason that hardline conservatives in America dislike the Affordable Care Act?
Eunsuk Park asked 6/25/2015 Hi. I am going to move to England. I am thinking about Liverpool. If anyone has some opinions on nice neighbourhoods, places to consider buying property, life in Liverpool?