Anonymous asked 9/24/2015 Which do you believe makes a bigger impact? Economic, social welfare, moral, or political? (talking about jobs.) I say political.
mary adam asked 9/22/2015 Is your country becoming foreign with the influx of immigration? (Our hospitals, doctors surgeries are under pressure. Immigrants get free housing and money. 48% of London are British born. Is the world destined to become communist?
Rooster Cogburn asked 8/22/2015 Why does the U.S. give millions of dollars of aid money to Pakistan and India ? Especially when India has it's own Space travel agency? Pakistan has one the most corrupt Governments in the world.
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 8/19/2015 Should there be a limit on how long a person can serve as the President of the United States? Surely if you have a President who is doing a great job & the majority of the public approve of him then why replace him.
otis otiscambell asked 8/16/2015 Why is it we are going to a politically correct society? It makes me sick. People complaining about statues and flags, we have bigger problems it seems!
Ray Dart asked 8/14/2015 What do you think is the least-deserved Nobel Prize ever awarded (try not to be too political :) )?
ZombieE Lee asked 8/12/2015 You don't think Donald Trump has a chance of getting the presidency do you? Surely America isn't that insane!