Anonymous asked 2/4/2016 Why would Bernie Sanders wanna end Obamacare, he wants to start out from new but he gives no plan, so people could be without healthcare what do you think?
Anonymous asked 2/3/2016 People are against gay marriage because they think that they won't reproduce but they root for abortion because they think you world is overpopulated?
Jann Nikka asked 2/3/2016 How many times a day do you use the N-word? Would you say its your favorite word? Do you use it on certain people or say it to all people?
Tinkerbell St. Basil asked 2/1/2016 Do you believe that Black History Month is beneficial or that it alienates and divides people?
Ray Dart asked 1/24/2016 Is it reasonable to connect the decline of the British Empire with the decision to give women the vote?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/21/2016 If misogyny is the hatred of women, what is the equivalent word for the hatred of men?
Ray Dart asked 1/18/2016 Demographic studies of London show that less than half of Londoners are ethnic British white. Does this indicate a welcoming multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, or a dangerous dilution of "Britishness"? Is London REALLY another country?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 1/11/2016 Is it sometimes right for the government to restrict freedom of speech?
Anna Khayalan asked 1/10/2016 Why has Donald Trump treated the Muslim woman removed from his speech in this way? Isn't he ashamed?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 1/6/2016 I am in Australia & have been watching with interest the political candidates for the presidency. Is there any realistic chance that Donald Trump could actually become the president of the United States?
Anonymous asked 12/21/2015 What is the difference on the economic stances and policies between Donald Trump and Hitlers, so far I'm aware of Hitler ending trades and imported goods from other countries whilst creating more agricultural jobs are Trumps policy's similar?