Anonymous asked 9/10/2017 How do cognitive psychologists explain thinking? How can they prove thoughts exist?
N. Harmonik asked 7/20/2017 Why is it that people lambaste those who flee instead of fight terrorists but not those who flee instead of fight fires?
mary adam asked 7/16/2017 Do you think that from the progress of science there will come a time when man will control his own evolution with the manipulation of genes and removal of defects and disease from the gene pool? Also, what is you point of view with regards to the ethics of this and it's implications on societies structure?
Anonymous asked 7/15/2017 What is computer handling What are ways of computer handling What are the important of computer handling?
Suresh Marella asked 7/11/2017 How do design engineers calculate the measurements while drawing out somethings?
Indigo Dawn asked 6/18/2017 What was the worst event out of the 2, The Chernobyl accident or the Fukashima accident?
Gokula krishnan asked 6/8/2017 Why we are Yawning, when we see others yawning ? Is Yawning contagious ? I wonder all time