Alice X. R. asked 9/12/2016 What mental illness/illnesses do you struggle with? I have depression, Multiple Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Social Anxiety.~ Alice X. R.
Dur Duric asked 9/11/2016 What is the logic behind BHS (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia) being published in Germany?
Austin Jones asked 9/10/2016 Trivia:When Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last people to walk on the moon, what number was their Apollo mission?
Austin Jones asked 9/9/2016 Trivia:(answering correctly will get you five cookies of your choice)(googling it will give no cookies)To the nearest whole number, what percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen?
Walt O'Reagun asked 9/7/2016 What do you think of the possible EM Drive? Is it a scam, or does it really "break" Newton's Third Law?
Tris Fray Potter asked 8/31/2016 If the universe is infinite, then time is also infinite. If this is true, then why isn't the whole sky always light because light from the furthest stars have had an infinite time to get to us? And space is infinite, therefore there must be infinite stars in every possible direction, meaning that the luminosity would have to be pretty freaking bright.
Anonymous asked 8/31/2016 explain how Independent variable and Dependent Variable is important to the scientific method?
Anonymous asked 8/25/2016 how many planets like our own could there be out there with possible life on?
Megan goodgirl asked 8/21/2016 Lets say you traveled into the past What it be possible to bring your past self to the present with you?
Perry Nuttal asked 8/18/2016 Does anyone believe in the Mandela effect and if so what experiences have you had with it?