Anonymous asked 2/5/2016 I feel my son can do good in Technology as he has got the bent towards the same. He is always interested in technology. Can someone tell me how can I help him pursue this hobby after school hours? I am based in Delhi NCR.
Anonymous asked 2/5/2016 I have recently shifted to Noida. can someone tell me good schools nearby for my child to pursue 7th?
Anonymous asked 1/26/2016 Im having trouble with english. Letters appear reversed and the page moves. I cant spel and had never learnt fonics. Im in high school. I don't no what's rong with me?
Chewed Bubblegum asked 1/23/2016 Why do you think prom tickets are so expensive? I just found out ours are $60!!
Megan goodgirl asked 12/27/2015 If kids have to wake up early and go to school early then shouldn't they get off early?
Knights Basketball asked 12/15/2015 If I vomit the night before, should I still go to school the next day?
Trueshelby Shelby asked 12/14/2015 I have a project due tommorow to write an entire procedural text!!! I really need ideas for procedural texts so please please please submit your answers below! I could use the help?
gabby Roden asked 11/30/2015 If a child fails all classes in the first semester in homeschool, then passes all their classes the second semester in public school, Will they pass 8th grade?
Litlle Luvely asked 10/28/2015 Do you think school elections is mostly based on popularity or how qualified the candidate really is?
Anonymous asked 10/25/2015 Hi, education is better than silver and gold.can someone please stand against this question and silver and gold is better education?
Roy Lovett asked 10/24/2015 Were you ever in any clubs at school? Or maybe any sports, things like band, choir, flag, etc? (I was in drama)
Katie Boyd asked 10/21/2015 My school has a new rule: hair cant be a 'extreme' color. My mate's hair has been bright red for 4 years, its now 'distracting'. People need to dye their hair so its 'normal' if not they will be sent home. Should my school be allowed to do this?