Anonymous asked 5/12/2016 I am homeschooled. I recently left private school. I miss it, a lot. I can't concentrate at home, and my parents threaten to hold me back a grade. I tried public before. I want to go to boarding. thoughts?
EBBe lau asked 5/3/2016 No one at my school uses games, just social media. I want to get an Instagram/, and my dad promised a YEAR ago and never gave one to me. How to convince to get me one?
Anonymous asked 4/24/2016 Do you guys know any songs about finding yourself and/or overcoming loss? This is for a book project and would be extremely helpful if answered soon! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! :):) ^w^
Lilly Finkle asked 4/18/2016 i am in the able program at Lewis and Clark high school and my teachers grab me almost everyday by my arms and leg, what should I do?
Allison R. asked 4/17/2016 Would you guys mind taking this short survey for a friend of mine? The link is Thank you!
Anonymous asked 4/12/2016 How do I stop hitting the snooze button on my alarm in the mornings (I have my alarm on my phone and I take the battery out to stop the alarm but I went back to sleep today and missed school)?
Max Glazer asked 4/5/2016 Next year I'm gonna move to a new school in a new country, how do I cope with this?
Megan goodgirl asked 2/18/2016 Isn't it not fair that some kids have to go to school on their birthday?
RIK RZ asked 2/7/2016 Why would a subject be 101,for example Chemistry 101, Biology 101, Why not another number?